Resources for Researchers

Recovery Housing Research Methods


  • Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D.T. (1979). Quasi-Experimentation: Design and analysis issues for field settings. Chicago: Rand McNally
  • Kazdin, A. E. (1998). Research design in clinical psychology (Third Edition). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon
  • Barker, C., Pistrang, N., & Elliott, R. (2002). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners (Second Edition). West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons

Journal Articles

  • Dennis, M. L., Perl, H. I., Huebner, R. B., & McLellan, A. T. (2000). Twenty-five strategies for improving the design, implementation and analysis of health services research related to alcohol and other drug abuse treatment. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 95 Suppl 3, S281–S308.
  • Polcin, D. L., Mericle, A., Callahan, S., Harvey, R., & Jason, L. A. (2016). Challenges and Rewards of Conducting Research on Recovery Residences for Alcohol and Drug Disorders. Journal of drug issues, 46(1), 51–63.

Other Resources

Journal Articles 

Do neighborhood characteristics of sober living houses impact recovery outcomes? A multilevel analysis of observational data from Los Angeles County 

Identifying the availability of recovery housing in the U.S.: The NSTARR project. 

Other Resources 

National Alliance for Recovery Residences: 

Oxford House, Inc: 

SAMHSA Treatment Locator: 

Staying in Touch: A Fieldwork Manual of Tracking Procedures (Third Edition): 

Text Books/Chapters

  • Jason, L.A., Keys, C.B., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Taylor, R.R., Davis, M., Durlak, J., Isenberg, D. (Eds.)(2004).  Participatory community research: Theories and methods in action. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 
  • Minkler, M., & Wallerstein, N. (Eds.). (2003). Community based participatory research in health. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Olson, B. D., & Jason, L. A. (2015). Participatory mixed methods research. In S.N. Hesse-Biber & R.B. Johnson (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Mixed and Multimethod Research. (pp. 393-405). New York: Oxford University Press. 

Journal Articles

  • Belone, L., Lucero, J. E., Duran, B., Tafoya, G., Baker, E. A., Chan, D., Chang, C., Greene-Moton, E., Kelley, M. A., & Wallerstein, N. (2016). Community-based participatory research conceptual model: Community partner consultation and face validity. Qualitative Health Research, 26(1), 117–135. 
  • Burlew, A.K., McCuistian, C., Lanaway, D., Hatch-Maillette, M. & Shambley-Ebron, D. (2020). One size does not fit all: A NIDA CTN inspired model for community engaged cultural adaptation. Journal of Substance Use  Treatment, 112 (supplement), 28-33.
  • Collins, S. E., Clifasefi, S. L., Stanton, J., The LEAP Advisory Board, Straits, K. J. E., Gil-Kashiwabara, E., . . . Wallerstein, N. (2018). Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR): Towards Equitable Involvement of Community in Psychology Research. American Psychologist, 73(7), 884-898.

Other Resources

Journal Articles 

    Other Resources 


    Text Books/Chapters

    Journal Articles

    • Noel, Marnie et al. The Howard Street Method: A Community Pharmacy-led Low Dose Overlap Buprenorphine Initiation Protocol for Individuals Using Fentanyl. Journal of Addiction Medicine 17(4):p e255-e261, 7/8 2023.
    • Jarvis BP, et al. Extended-release injectable naltrexone for opioid use disorder: a systematic review. Addiction. 2018 Jul;113(7):1188-1209.

    Other Resources

    Text Books/Chapters

    • Creswell & Poth (2017), Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design (4th ed.)SAGE Publications.
    • Creswell & Clark (2017), Chapter 4, “Choosing a Mixed Methods Design” in Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research (3rd ed.)

    Journal Articles

    • Leech, N.L., Onwuegbuzie, A.J. A typology of mixed methods research designs. Quality and Quantity, 43, 265–275 (2009).  
    • Mericle, A. A., Carrico, A. W., Hemberg, J., de Guzman, R., & Stall, R. (2020). Several Common Bonds: Addressing the Needs of Gay and Bisexual Men in LGBT-Specific Recovery Housing. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(6), 793–815. 
    • Mericle, A. A., Slaymaker, V., Gliske, K., Ngo, Q., & Subbaraman, M. S. (2022). The role of recovery housing during outpatient substance use treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 133, 108638.
    • Pagano A, Lee JP, García V, Recarte C. Ethnographic research in immigrant-specific drug abuse recovery houses. Journal of Ethnicity and Substance Abuse. 2018 Jan-Mar;17(1):79-90. doi: 10.1080/15332640.2017.1362726

    Text Books/Chapters

    • Best, D. (2019) Pathways to desistance and recovery: The role of the social contagion of hope. Policy Press: Bristol. 
    • Best, D. & Colman, C. (eds) (2019) Strengths-based approaches to crime and substance use: From drugs and crime to desistance and recovery. Routledge: London. 

    Journal Articles

    Other Resources

    Overview of Approaches

    Causal Inference in a Recovery Housing Context 

    • Belanger, M. J., Sondhi, A., Mericle, A. A., Leidi, A., Klein, M., Collinson, B., … & Best, D. (2023). Assessing a pilot scheme of intensive support and assertive linkage in levels of engagement, retention, and recovery capital for people in recovery housing using quasi-experimental methods. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 209283.
    • Best, D., Sondhi, A., Hoffman, L., Best, J., Leidi, A., Grimes, A., … & Hutchison, A. (2023). Bridging the gap: building and sustaining recovery capital in the transition from prison to recovery residences. Journal of Offender.

    Highly Recommended

    • Hernán, M. & Robins, J. (2020) Causal inference: what if. Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press.

    Methodological Papers

    • Hubbard AE, Ahern J, Fleischer NL, Van der Laan M, Lippman SA, Jewell N, Bruckner T, Satariano WA. To GEE or not to GEE: comparing population average and mixed models for estimating the associations between neighborhood risk factors and health. Epidemiology. 2010 Jul;21(4):467-74. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181caeb90.
    • Leyland AH, Groenewegen PP. Multilevel Modelling for Public Health and Health Services Research: Health in Context [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2020. Chapter 3, What Is Multilevel Modelling? 2020 Feb 29. Available from:

    Applied Examples

    • Mahoney E, Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Mericle AA, Patterson D, Polcin DL, Subbaraman M, Witbrodt J. Do neighborhood characteristics of sober living houses impact recovery outcomes? A multilevel analysis of observational data from Los Angeles County. Health Place. 2023 Jan;79:102951. doi10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102951.
    • Mericle AA, Mahoney E, Korcha R, Delucchi K, Polcin DL. Sober living house characteristics: A multilevel analyses of factors associated with improved outcomes. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2019 Mar;98:28-38. doi10.1016/j.jsat.2018.12.004.
    • Subbaraman MS, Mahoney E, Witbrodt J, Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Mericle AA, & Polcin DL. (2023). Multilevel Effects of Environmental and Neighborhood Factors on Sober Living House Resident 12-Month Outcomes. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 84(6), 832–841.

    Research Articles

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